Pay with VENMO

Preferred payment is VENMO.... download on your phone & transfer from your bank for free!

On your Venmo payment - PLEASE include your name n email so payment is correctly applied.

Hockeypalooa Venmo name: @Suzanne-Bourgault (pic is Suz in Ray Bans)

All Prices in the drop down menu include Paypal Fees. To avoid fees, follow instructions below!

Payments are just dollar figures... they do not trigger a sale of anything listed below. Price list below is simply FYI, to help you remember. Click on drop down to see payment options.

All Prices in the drop down menu include Paypal Fees. To avoid fees, follow instructions below!


MAKE SURE to "Send to friend" - instructions below....

Here's how to avoid fees,

1. Click send money

2. Click send to friends and family

3. Enter email:

4. Enter dollar figure AND THEN MAKE SURE to UN-check the “paying for goods n services” box

(These complications are the reason we’re discontinuing PayPal soon)

THANKS!! If fees are charged they will be due in addition later. So pls follow instructions above.

Hockeypalooza Price List:

$5 Water Bottle (white w/purple logo)

$5 Kan Koozie (black w/white ink)

$10 Cotton short sleeve

$20 Cotton Long sleeve

$20 All shorts

$20 All Dry Fit shirts

$20 Reversible Pinnie

$20 Goalie Shirt

$25 Sweatpants

$30 Flannel Pants

$40 Sweatshirt (personalized w/name & # on sleeve)

$10 T-shirts for Kayleigh: "FIGHT BACK!!"

$15 Katahdin (KFH) Fundraiser raffle - 1 ticket

$25 Katahdin (KFH) Fundraiser raffle - 2 tickets

All Prices in the drop down menu include Paypal Fees. To avoid fees, follow instructions below!

Payments are just dollar figures... they do not trigger a sale of anything listed below. Price list below is simply FYI, to help you remember. Click on drop down to see payment options.

All Prices in the drop down menu include Paypal Fees. To avoid fees, follow instructions below!


MAKE SURE to "Send to friend" - instructions below....

Here's how to avoid fees,

1. Click send money

2. Click send to friends and family

3. Enter email:

4. Enter dollar figure AND THEN MAKE SURE to UN-check the “paying for goods n services” box

(These complications are the reason we’re discontinuing PayPal soon)

THANKS!! If fees are charged they will be due in addition later. So pls follow instructions above.

Hockeypalooza Playing Opportunity Fee List:

$100 Weekly Summer games (Sundays at Memorial)

$100 Weekly Indoor games (8wk session)

$100 College player BOOT CAMP - both days

$70 College player BOOT CAMP - one day

$250 FH Camp - early registr (by Apr 30)

$300 FH Camp - after May 1

$200 FH Camp - graduated seniors

$350 Hockeypalooza Tourney Team Fee